From the city centre

From Piazza Garibaldi: walk through the square, towards the pedestrian precinct. Turn right, walk under the arch, cross the Riviera dei Ponti Romani road, and go straight on to Via Altinate. Walk until the crossroads (with traffic lights). Walk straight on to Via Belzoni Street. Pass the intersection with Via Portello (on your left), turn right to Via Orus (which then becomes Via San Massimo). Go straight along this road and you will find the Chapel of San Massimo on your right.

From Palazzo del Bo’: turn right to Via San Francesco, and walk till the end of the street. Turn right to Via Ospedale Civile. At the roundabout, walk straight on to Via San Massimo. Walk along it until you find the Chapel on your right.

From Prato della Valle: walk to the Basilica of St Anthony (close to Via Belludi). Once you arrive at the Basilica, go straight along the street to the right of the church (Via Cesarotti). At the end of the street, walk straight on to Via Ospedale Civile. At the roundabout, walk straight on to Via San Massimo. Then carry on walking until you find the Chapel on your right.